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coffee yarn

But have you heard of something called coffee string? Pictured above: The yarn is added in as you go and it's a special coffee bean one. This may seem bizarre at first glance, but is quite neat and compelling. Well, today we are going to talk all about coffee yarn — what it is and how where becomes our favorite bedding option! Let’s dive in!

Coffee yarn is a new invention that more and more people are loving. That was until Kaffee Fassett, a company seeking ways to utilize coffee waste that typically goes straight into the green bin. Upon realizing the reserve was really nothing more than coffee grounds-the duds of roasted and pulped beans left over from every cup they brewed-they soon discovered that not just any old yarn could be spun, but made from virtually anyone's favorite brew! It was a really cool idea, because not only does it reduce waste but it makes something pretty. Today people around the world have used coffee yarn in a wide variety of crafts. I say it is helping the environment and creating cute stuff at once!

The Making of Coffee Yarn

So, how is coffee yarn made? It begins with the grounds after you brew your morning coffee. To begin, the wet used coffee grounds are rinsed and dried. They are then processed using a special process to make yarn out of the grounds, into soft durable threads. The outcome is a yarn like no other; appealing to both knitters and crocheters.

Coffee yarn- because it has a unique texture and smell ( just the best ever!) A bit less soft than traditional yarn, it's suited to making fabrics with plenty of texture - like thick blankets and warm scarves. This was the case with this scent, it has a slight coffee smell so when you roast your grain and start brewing on that day - usually in the morning for me as I try to end my brew session by 7 PM (more or less) because... work - yes makes it even better.

Why choose Annie coffee yarn?

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