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eco friendly yarn

Yarn that is environmentally friendly can make a big impact on the world of knitting and yarn use. These unique yarns are engineered in a way that they minimize the footprint while providing you with numerous advantages. There are many sources to eco-friendly yarn : general natural fibers such as cotton, wool and bamboo that you already know. On top of being luxurious and soft they also reduce the use of un-ecological waste based materials. As well as being free from synthetic chemicals, which is kinder to you and the planet. Not only are you providing yourself with a quality yarn knowledge, but also supporting sustainable and ethical production methods by choosing eco-friendly yarns. Therefore, next time that you are knitting think of it this way: the positive change that you will have on what surrounds you and your planet when purchasing natural yarns.

What Are The Benefits Of Using Eco-Friendly Yarns

Choosing sustainable yarns for your knitting projects has so many benefits. For one, they are the more eco-friendly option: yarns work up faster and with less material use than their spun counterparts. In addition to that, they provide a luxurious and comfortable feel while wearing because they are made of natural fibers without synthetic chemicals. Finally, choosing yarns that are more eco-friendly promotes sustainable and ethical production which is important for a lot of consumers dedicated to making sure they consume as responsibly as possible.

Why choose Annie eco friendly yarn?

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